Masters of the Illustrated Film Poster 2020 - The SDCC@Home Special

It was with great honour that I had the opportunity to organise our second Illustration panel for San Diego Comic Con - this time from HOME! it was 2020 and a pandemic hit which stopped us being able to be at the actual convention - this actually enabled the ability to invite some artists that wouldn't have normally been able to take part - including Legends, Greg Hildebrandt who is based on the East Coast and Drew Struzan who would no doubt be mobbed due to his fame! It was a great conversation between fellow illustrators who have all worked on illustrating movie posters - something we all have in common and a pre-requisite to be on the panel. Sit back, and enjoy this rare, almost fireside chat amongst some of the finest illustrators in the film poster field from the last 50 years!
Artist Websites: Steve Chorney http://stevenchorney.com James Goodridge http://jamesgoodridgeillustration.com Greg Hildebrandt http://spiderwebart.com Rory Kurtz http://rorykurtz.com Robert Rodriguez http://fineartprintsca.com Paul Shipper http://paulshipperstudio.com Akiko Stehrenberger http://akikomatic.com William Stout http://williamstout.com Drew Struzan http://drewstruzan.com
Event Produced by: David Derks (ASIFA-Hollywood) Paul Shipper (Paul Shipper Studio) Kelee Siat (Consultant for the Arts)